Source code for toast.tod.polyfilter

# Copyright (c) 2015-2020 by the parties listed in the AUTHORS file.
# All rights reserved.  Use of this source code is governed by
# a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

import re

from time import time

import numpy as np

from .._libtoast import filter_polynomial

from ..op import Operator

from ..timing import function_timer

from .. import qarray as qa

XAXIS, YAXIS, ZAXIS = np.eye(3)

class OpPolyFilter2D(Operator):
    """Operator to regress out 2D polynomials across the focal plane."""

    def __init__(
        self._order = order
        self._nmode = (order + 1) * (order + 2) // 2
        self._pattern = pattern
        self._name = name
        self._common_flag_name = common_flag_name
        self._common_flag_mask = common_flag_mask
        self._flag_name = flag_name
        self._flag_mask = flag_mask
        self._poly_flag_mask = poly_flag_mask
        self._intervals = intervals

        # Call the parent class constructor.

    def exec(self, data):
        """Apply the 2D polynomial filter to the signal.

            data (toast.Data): The distributed data.

        norder = self._order + 1
        nmode = self._nmode

        for obs in data.obs:
            t0 = time()
            t_template = 0
            t_get_norm = 0
            t_apply_norm = 0
            t_solve = 0
            t_clean = 0

            tod = obs["tod"]
            times = tod.local_times()
            comm = tod.grid_comm_row
            detectors = tod.detectors
            ndet = len(detectors)
            detector_index = {}
            pat = re.compile(self._pattern)

            ndet = 0
            for det in detectors:
                if pat.match(det) is None:
                detector_index[det] = ndet
                ndet += 1
            # Number of detectors may limit the number of modes we can constrain
            nmode = min(self._nmode, ndet)

            focalplane = obs["focalplane"]

            detector_templates = np.zeros([ndet, nmode])
            mode = 0
            xorders = np.zeros(nmode)
            yorders = np.zeros(nmode)
            for order in range(norder):
                for yorder in range(order + 1):
                    xorder = order - yorder
                    xorders[mode] = xorder
                    yorders[mode] = yorder
                    mode += 1
                    if mode == nmode:
                if mode == nmode:

            for det in tod.local_dets:
                if det not in detector_index:
                idet = detector_index[det]
                det_quat = focalplane[det]["quat"]
                x, y, z = qa.rotate(det_quat, ZAXIS)
                theta, phi = np.arcsin([x, y])
                detector_templates[idet] = theta ** xorders * phi ** yorders

            if self._intervals in obs:
                intervals = obs[self._intervals]
                intervals = None
            local_intervals = tod.local_intervals(intervals)
            if len(local_intervals) == 0:
                # No intervals to filter
            common_ref = tod.local_common_flags(self._common_flag_name)

            # Iterate over each interval

            for ival in local_intervals:
                ind = slice(ival.first, ival.last + 1)
                nsample = ival.last - ival.first + 1
                templates = np.zeros([ndet, nmode, nsample])
                proj = np.zeros([nmode, nsample])

                t1 = time()

                norms = np.zeros(nmode)

                for det in tod.local_dets:
                    if det not in detector_index:
                    idet = detector_index[det]

                    ref = tod.local_signal(det, self._name)[ind]
                    flag_ref = tod.local_flags(det, self._flag_name)[ind]

                    flg = common_ref[ind] & self._common_flag_mask
                    flg |= flag_ref & self._flag_mask
                    mask = flg == 0

                    # We might want to remove the interval mean if the
                    # data were not already 1D-filtered
                    # ref -= np.mean(ref[mask])

                    template = detector_templates[idet]
                    templates[idet] = np.outer(template, mask)
                    proj += np.outer(template, ref * mask)
                    norms += template ** 2

                    del ref
                    del flag_ref

                t_template += time() - t1

                t1 = time()
                good = norms != 0
                norms[good] = norms[good] ** -0.5
                t_get_norm += time() - t1

                t1 = time()
                templates = np.transpose(
                    templates, [1, 0, 2]
                ).copy()  # nmode x ndet x nsample
                for mode, norm in enumerate(norms):
                    if norm:
                        templates[mode] *= norm
                        proj[mode] *= norm
                t_apply_norm += time() - t1

                t1 = time()
                templates = np.transpose(
                    templates, [2, 1, 0]
                ).copy()  # nsample x ndet x nmode
                proj = proj.T.copy()  # nsample x nmode
                coeff = np.zeros([nsample, nmode])
                for isample in range(nsample):
                    if isample % comm.size != comm.rank:
                    templatesT = templates[isample].T.copy()  # ndet x nmode
                    ccinv =, templates[isample])
                        cc = np.linalg.inv(ccinv)
                        coeff[isample] =, proj[isample])
                    except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
                        coeff[isample] = 0
                t_solve += time() - t1

                t1 = time()

                for isample in range(nsample):
                    if np.all(coeff[isample] == 0):
                        common_ref[isample + ival.first] |= self._poly_flag_mask
                    for det in tod.local_dets:
                        if det not in detector_index:
                        idet = detector_index[det]
                        ref = tod.local_signal(det, self._name)[ind]
                        ref[isample] -=[isample], templates[isample, idet])

                for isample in range(nsample):
                    if np.all(coeff[isample] == 0):
                        common_ref[isample + ival.first] |= self._poly_flag_mask

                templates = np.transpose(
                    templates, [1, 2, 0]
                ).copy()  # ndet x nmode x nsample
                coeff = coeff.T.copy()  # nmode x nsample

                for det in tod.local_dets:
                    if det not in detector_index:
                    idet = detector_index[det]
                    ref = tod.local_signal(det, self._name)[ind]
                    for mode in range(nmode):
                        ref -= coeff[mode] * templates[idet, mode]

                t_clean += time() - t1

            del common_ref

                "Time per observation: {:.1f} s\n"
                "   templates : {:6.1f} s\n"
                "    get_norm : {:6.1f} s\n"
                "  apply_norm : {:6.1f} s\n"
                "       solve : {:6.1f} s\n"
                "       clean : {:6.1f} s".format(
                    time() - t0, t_template, t_get_norm, t_apply_norm, t_solve, t_clean


[docs]class OpPolyFilter(Operator): """Operator which applies polynomial filtering to the TOD. This applies polynomial filtering to the valid intervals of each TOD. Args: order (int): Order of the filtering polynomial. pattern (str): Regex pattern to match against detector names. Only detectors that match the pattern are filtered. name (str): Name of the output signal cache object will be <name_in>_<detector>. If the object exists, it is used as input. Otherwise signal is read using the tod read method. common_flag_name (str): Cache name of the output common flags. If it already exists, it is used. Otherwise flags are read from the tod object and stored in the cache under common_flag_name. common_flag_mask (byte): Bitmask to use when flagging data based on the common flags. flag_name (str): Cache name of the output detector flags will be <flag_name>_<detector>. If the object exists, it is used. Otherwise flags are read from the tod object. flag_mask (byte): Bitmask to use when flagging data based on the detector flags. poly_flag_mask (byte): Bitmask to use when adding flags based on polynomial filter failures. intervals (str): Name of the valid intervals in observation. """ def __init__( self, order=1, pattern=r".*", name=None, common_flag_name=None, common_flag_mask=255, flag_name=None, flag_mask=255, poly_flag_mask=1, intervals="intervals", ): self._order = order self._pattern = pattern self._name = name self._common_flag_name = common_flag_name self._common_flag_mask = common_flag_mask self._flag_name = flag_name self._flag_mask = flag_mask self._poly_flag_mask = poly_flag_mask self._intervals = intervals # Call the parent class constructor. super().__init__()
[docs] @function_timer def exec(self, data): """Apply the polynomial filter to the signal. Args: data (toast.Data): The distributed data. """ for obs in data.obs: tod = obs["tod"] if self._intervals in obs: intervals = obs[self._intervals] else: intervals = None local_intervals = tod.local_intervals(intervals) if len(local_intervals) == 0: # No intervals to filter continue common_ref = tod.local_common_flags(self._common_flag_name) pat = re.compile(self._pattern) for det in tod.local_dets: # Test the detector pattern if pat.match(det) is None: continue ref = tod.local_signal(det, self._name) flag_ref = tod.local_flags(det, self._flag_name) # Iterate over each interval local_starts = [] local_stops = [] for ival in local_intervals: local_starts.append(ival.first) local_stops.append(ival.last) local_starts = np.array(local_starts) local_stops = np.array(local_stops) flg = common_ref & self._common_flag_mask flg |= flag_ref & self._flag_mask filter_polynomial(self._order, flg, [ref], local_starts, local_stops) flag_ref[flg != 0] |= self._poly_flag_mask del ref del flag_ref del common_ref return