Source code for toast.timing

# Copyright (c) 2015-2020 by the parties listed in the AUTHORS file.
# All rights reserved.  Use of this source code is governed by
# a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

import inspect

from functools import wraps

import csv

from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np

from ._libtoast import Timer, GlobalTimers

from .utils import Environment

def function_timer(f):
    env = Environment.get()
    ft = env.function_timers()
    if ft:
        nm = None
        if inspect.ismethod(f):
            nm = f.__self__.__name__
            nm = f.__qualname__
        tnm = "{} (function_timer)".format(nm)

        def df(*args, **kwargs):
            gt = GlobalTimers.get()
            result = f(*args, **kwargs)
            return result


        def df(*args, **kwargs):
            return f(*args, **kwargs)

    return df

def compute_stats(plist, full=False):
    """Compute the global timer properties.

    Given a list of dictionaries (one per process), examine the timers in each
    and compute the min / max / mean of the values and number of calls.

        plist (list):  The list of per-process results.
        full (bool):  If True, return the full set of process values for each counter.

        (dict):  The stats for each timer.

    # First build the set of all timers
    nproc = len(plist)
    allnames = set()
    for p in plist:
        for k in p.keys():
    # Repack the timer values and call count into arrays:
    seconds = dict()
    calls = dict()
    for nm in allnames:
        seconds[nm] = np.empty(nproc, dtype=np.float64)
        calls[nm] = np.empty(nproc, dtype=np.int64)
    idx = 0
    for p in plist:
        for nm in allnames:
            if nm in p:
                seconds[nm][idx] = p[nm].seconds()
                calls[nm][idx] = p[nm].calls()
                seconds[nm][idx] = -1.0
                calls[nm][idx] = -1
        idx += 1
    result = dict()
    for nm in allnames:
        result[nm] = dict()
        good = calls[nm] >= 0
        result[nm]["participating"] = np.sum(good)
        result[nm]["call_min"] = np.min(calls[nm][good])
        result[nm]["call_max"] = np.max(calls[nm][good])
        result[nm]["call_mean"] = np.mean(calls[nm][good])
        result[nm]["call_median"] = np.median(calls[nm][good])
        result[nm]["time_min"] = np.min(seconds[nm][good])
        result[nm]["time_max"] = np.max(seconds[nm][good])
        result[nm]["time_mean"] = np.mean(seconds[nm][good])
        result[nm]["time_median"] = np.median(seconds[nm][good])
        if full:
            result[nm]["calls"] = calls[nm]
            result[nm]["times"] = seconds[nm]
    return result

[docs]def gather_timers(comm=None, root=0): """Gather global timer information from across a communicator. Args: comm (MPI.Comm): The communicator or None. root (int): The process returning the results. Returns: (dict): The timer stats on the root process, otherwise None. """ gt = GlobalTimers.get() local = gt.collect() all = None if comm is None: all = [local] else: all = comm.gather(local, root=root) result = None if (comm is None) or (comm.rank == root): result = compute_stats(all) return result
[docs]def dump(results, path): """Write out timing results to a format suitable for further processing. Args: results (dict): The results as returned by compute_stats(). path (str): File root name to dump. Returns: None """ cols = OrderedDict( [ ("Timer", "Name"), ("Processes", "participating"), ("Minimum Calls", "call_min"), ("Maximum Calls", "call_max"), ("Minimum Time", "time_min"), ("Maximum Time", "time_max"), ("Mean Time", "time_mean"), ("Median Time", "time_median"), ] ) outpath = "{}.csv".format(path) with open(outpath, "w", newline="") as f: w = csv.writer(f, delimiter=",", quotechar="'") w.writerow(cols.keys()) for nm, props in results.items(): row = [nm] for k, v in cols.items(): if k == "Timer": continue row.append(props[v]) w.writerow(row) return